Friday, May 8, 2015

The Forgotten Thank You's

It is no secret that motherhood bounds with love and selflessness. But the extent of those extraordinary characteristics was not fully fathomable to me until having children of my own. So, to my mom, here are just a few of the thousands of forgotten thank you's:

Thank you for not fearing the what-if's and choosing to give me life.
Thank you for nursing me longer than you planned to.
Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed far longer than you ever expected.
Thank you for listening when I told you how much I despised bowling school.
Thank you for understanding that I didn't really mean it all the times I told you you looked ugly when you were getting ready to go out with Daddy. The truth is, I thought you looked beautiful but I knew I would miss you while you were away.
Thank you for not making me wear the pink jeans.
Thank you for taking the time to help me find the pants that weren't bouncy.
Thank you for not laughing when I came home with my "fabulous" haircut.
Thank you for immediately taking me to the salon to fix said fabulous haircut.
Thank you for always telling me I was beautiful, even when I didn't believe you and just rolled my eyes.
Thank you for the cake when I got my first period.
Thank you for letting me make my own mistakes.  
Thank you for trusting me when I said my headaches were getting worse.
Thank you for getting me the help I needed to work through my depression.
Thank you for tolerating the side effects of my anti-depressants.
Thank you for taking action when I spiraled to my darkest place yet.
Thank you for teaching me to trust my instincts, and more importantly, trust my body. 
Thank you for your excitement when I decided I was ready to be married.
Thank you for being an important part of my daughters' lives.  
Thank you for your patience, your kindness, your laughter. 
Thank you for letting me vent when I need to.
Thank you for teaching me the therapeutic effect of the word "fuck".
Thank you for always making me feel beautiful and special and smart. 

Above all, thank you for always making sure I know just how much you love me.

Happy Mom's Day...I love you. 

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