Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Moment He Became "Daddy"

Growing up in the 90's, my summer breaks always included indulging myself in fine programming such as Jenny Jones and Maury. Both shows often spewed some variation of the idiom, "Any man can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a daddy." It was always used in some mildly entertaining, and largely disturbing, situation. It wasn't until I saw my husband transform into "Daddy" right before my eyes, that I truly understood the depth of this overused statement.  Amazingly, I have that very moment captured forever.  

After I delivered Danica, I needed a little extra tending to and could not hold my newborn baby girl right away.  She was swept off to the other side of the delivery room to be weighed, measured, and evaluated.  My already-spirited little lady screamed through the entire process. Loudly. The pain of the doctor mending me did not compare to the agony of hearing my brand new baby cry inconsolably. 

Mike has always had a difficult time seeing me in distress.  He would move a mountain, or at least pry open the door of a car engulfed in flames, just to ensure I am safe. But, in the moments that we listened to our firstborn child wail, he decided to leave my side to meet our sweetheart. He reached out his finger, and her tiny hand grasped on. A calm settled over her as he spoke to her, with the same soothing voice he had used to calm me just minutes before. He was no longer only my husband, my friend, my partner, or even just the father of my child...he was Danica's Daddy.  

Happy Father's Day, Michael Bruce. I am humbled by your love for me and forever grateful for your adoration of our girls. I love you. xoxo