Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Interview with Adelyn!

Starting this year, I have decided to do mini "interviews" with each of the girls on their birthdays.  I think it will be a cute commemoration of how much they grow and change with each year.  Here is Addy's!

What is your name? Addy
How old are you? 1-1/2 ... 2
Who is your best friend? Danica!
What is your favorite food? Dog Food Strawberries and pizza
What is your least favorite food? Dog food 
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite song? Turn yourself around (aka If You're Happy and You Know It)
What is your favorite book? Cookie Monster Book
What do you love to play with? My guys
Name the people in your family. Mickey and Goofy

My Life's Greatest Distraction

My happiness and contentedness has been at an all-time high over the past year. I've thought long and hard on why that is. Not because I'm surprised by it, but because I want to harness it and keep it so, as long as possible. I have realized those feelings come from the strength our marriage has derived. Most importantly, I have realized our marriage is thriving because we refuse to treat one another as an after thought. When life gets the better of us, we sometimes see that we are neglecting each other and our marriage. When that happens, Mike and I stop, redirect and remind each other of our love. We remind each other that we need more patience. And mostly, we remind each other that we both choose "together" each and every day.  

To my Mike, on our anniversaries,

You are so much more than just a husband to me. You have always had a natural ability to distract me from anything else in the world. Your words can calm my nerves. Your smile can cut through my anger. Your touch makes me feel safe. Your love makes me feel whole. You are my life's greatest distraction.

When my anxiety steals my breath, you hold me until I feel safe enough to catch it. When I am frustrated and overwhelmed, you allow me to vent it without judgement. When I'm feeling ridiculous and act like a dork, you laugh right along with me. When I birthed our children, you laid your hands upon my back ever so gently and whispered your love and encouragement so only I could hear. You gave me strength and courage when I wasn't sure it was possible. When I worry too much about our future, you bring me back to our present. When I dream wondrous (and unattainable) dreams, you hop right into the fantasy with me. When I sit on our bed and sob that I can't be a mom and do well enough in school,  you are the voice reminding me that I can. For better or worse, you exist in every corner of my existence. I could never be all of me without you.    

Today, after 14 years together, and 8 years married, I still do.